Join believers and churches across our region as leading pastors, theologians and authors explore the church's future, its challenges, hopes and opportunities.


May 2-4, 2025

Buffalo, New York


Video invitation from Jerry Gillis, Lead Pastor at The Chapel



“We are in a new dark age…  (there is a) stunning gap in theological awareness throughout our nation …and even in the seat next to us at church.”

- The State of Theology (Lifeway & Ligonier)


“The situation is urgent…In just a generation, the children of the dechurched will be unchurched, changing the nature of spirituality in America significantly.”

- “The Great De-churching” by Jim Davis and Michael Graham


 What is FutureChurch 2025?

  • FutureChurch is a regionwide conference, in partnership with churches & ministries throughout WNY, Ontario, Can. & the U.S.

  • An exciting lineup of leading pastors, theologians & authors. Attendees can choose from more than 30 sessions, including Keynotes, Seminars, Q&A, and we’ll have a full on-site bookstore!

  • Join us for a unifying message of hope, inspiration & instruction for the sake of the mission of God.


Guest Speakers

And more to be announced!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everyone desiring to explore what a powerfully renewed church may look like! Pastors, congregations, laypersons and ministry leaders.

    • The U.S. is undergoing the largest and fastest religious shift in history, with millions exodusing the church, including our children often leaving the faith when they leave home. There is mass confusion about who and what God is, and how we should live.

    • Media, gender, politics, race, science/tech and the arts have been confronting us with challenges we’ve been unprepared for. In the church and the mainstream there is an increasing sense of division and spiritual dysphoria that is felt deeply, and nationally, as what it means to be a Christian is being informed, reshaped, and even forgotten, before our very eyes!

    • We tend to be short on time and often distracted by the wrong things, rather than resources that lead us to a more vibrant faith and hopeful future.

    • What will the church of tomorrow be and believe? How will we get there?

    • In what ways can the church thrive in today’s culture? What are the tremendous opportunities set before us?

    • This is our moment: How can we work together, to be inspired and filled with gospel hope, gospel culture, and gospel doctrine as we are on-mission for Christ?

    • Discipleship, and Biblical literacy: How is the church equipping future generations to know and articulate truth?

    • Politics, race, gender, technology, urban ministry, justice and more: how are we responding to pressures coming at us from every direction, in and outside the church?

    • Why is God not real or vivid to us?

    • First, be intentional: Inform your congregation or group about FCC2025.

    • Contact us for a special DISCOUNT CODE for your members to use when registering.

    • Download the marketing kit from our website. Share with your church or group in your services, meetings, bulletins, and social media. Help spread the word!

    • One of the best things a leader can do is ENERGIZE their organization about the future! FCC2025 provides that opportunity! The Sunday morning final Keynote can be streamed at your church location or simply plan your own service on our theme of a powerfully renewed future church. (The Sunday Keynote will be recorded so you can view it at a later date as well). We’d be happy to help!



Conference Details

FutureChurch 2025 is a regionwide conference, in partnership with churches & ministries throughout WNY, Ontario, CA & the U.S. May 2-4, 2025. Hosted by The Chapel, 500 Crosspoint Pkwy, Getzville, NY. Featuring leading pastors, scholars and thinkers in keynotes, talks, and panels with Q&A’s.

Worship and study God’s Word with other believers from churches across the region, in 30+ Keynotes and Seminars, Friday May 2 & Saturday May 3.

The Sunday morning final Keynote can be streamed at your church location or your church may plan your own service on the theme of a powerfully renewed church. (The Sunday Keynote will be recorded so you can view it at a later date as well).

Contact us if you’d like more information.

Futurechurch conference SCHEDULE

  • 8-9 a.m.  Doors Open, Registration

    9:15 – 10:30 a.m.  Opening Session

    10:45 – 11:45  Breakouts (4 sessions to choose from)

    Noon - 1:30  Lunch break (browse the exhibitors, shop the bookstore, lunch with your friends)

    1:30 – 2:30 p.m.  Breakouts (4 sessions to choose from)

    3 – 4:00 p.m.  Breakouts (4 sessions to choose from)

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.  Breakouts (4 sessions to choose from)

    5:30 - 7:30  Dinner break (browse the exhibitors, shop the bookstore, dinner with your friends)

    7:30 p.m.  Evening Keynote in main sanctuary

  • Your church home is the place to be on Sunday. If your church would like to continue with the FutureChurch Conference content, you can stream the Sunday morning final Keynote via YouTube (the Keynote will also be recorded and available at a later date). 

    Or we encourage you to consider celebrating your church’s future with your own service and message on our theme exploring the future of a powerfully renewed church!  To learn more, let us know, we’d love to help!

    Service times are 9 & 11 a.m. at our host church, CrossPoint, Cheektowaga, Lockport and Niagara Falls. 

  • Friday: Ask about Pastor's/Leader’s Dinner (5:45-7:15 pm before Keynote)