Ray Ortlund
Pastor Ray Ortlund is the President of Renewal Ministries and a Canon Theologian in The Anglican Church in North America. Ray graduated from Wheaton College (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), The University of California at Berkeley (M.A.), and The University of Aberdeen, Scotland (Ph.D.). Ray’s eight books include Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel, named “2017 Christian Book of the Year” in the category Bible Study, and The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ. He served as an Old Testament translator for The New Living Translation and The English Standard Version of the Bible and contributed the introduction and study notes to the book of Isaiah in The ESV Study Bible. After planting Immanuel Church in Nashville, Ray was named Pastor to Pastors at Immanuel. Ray also served as a founding member of The Council of The Gospel Coalition.
Ray and his wife Jani, married fifty-two years, have four children and fifteen grandchildren. Ray says, “I have the most wonderful wife, I love my kids and grandkids, and I love sharing the gospel of Christ. My dream is that God will use us for true revival in this generation.”
Fred Sanders
Dr. Fred Sanders is a theologian who tried to specialize in the doctrine of the Trinity but found that everything in Christian life and thought is connected to the triune God. As a result, he studies, teaches, and writes across the full range of Christian doctrines. Fred is professor of theology at the Torrey Honors College at Biola University.
Fred studied art (drawing and printmaking) in college, earned an MDiv at Asbury Theological Seminary, and a PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Fred is the author of The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything (Crossway, 2010); The Triune God (Zondervan, 2016); and Fountain of Salvation: Trinity and Soteriology (Eerdmans, 2021). His website is filled with terrific stuff, he blogs copiously, and maintains an active presence on Twitter.
He and his wife Susan (who have been friends since they met at age 11) are members of Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, CA. They have two adult children.
Trevin Wax
Trevin Wax (Ph.D., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is vice president of research and resources at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University. A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, World, and Christianity Today. He has taught courses on mission and ministry at Wheaton College and has lectured on Christianity and culture at Oxford University. Some of his books include Psalms in 30 Days, The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching.
Alycia Wood
Alycia Wood graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College with a degree in Criminal Justice, Marygrove College with a Master’s in Social Justice, and the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Alycia’s speaking background is quite diverse. From universities (such as MIT, UCONN, Harvard, University of Massachusetts, Boston University, Dartmouth College, and Brown University) to retreats, from conferences to men’s and women’s prisons, Alycia has addressed major issues surrounding faith to diverse audiences. She has traveled to Haiti, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica, volunteering at soup kitchens and orphanages as her passions for “showing Christ” extends beyond her local environment. In her spare time, Alycia enjoys music and is a lover of all things football and hockey.
Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry is a pastor at Immanuel Nashville and the co-host with Dr. Ray Ortlund of the podcast "You’re Not Crazy: Gospel Sanity for Young Pastors." Sam is Canon Theologian for the Anglican Church in North America and Senior Fellow at OCCA (Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics), speaking around the world as a pastor, preacher, and apologist. He is the author of Seven Myths About Singleness, Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?, and What God Has To Say About Our Bodies.
T.J. Tims
Dr. T. J. Tims is the lead pastor of Immanuel Nashville and a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition, providing leadership and vision. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen and a theology degree from King’s College London. T.J. was ordained into the Christian ministry by the First Baptist Church of Vincent, AL in 2008. He lives with his wife and four children in metropolitan Nashville.
Robbie Symons
Robbie Symons is the founding pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville, Ontario, CA. Harvest Oakville has experienced the power and grace of the Lord in its growth from a Bible study of 18 people in 2003 to over 3000 worshipers today. God burdened Robbie and the church elders early on with the conviction to plant churches. Through much prayer they have seen the birth of vibrant churches across Canada in Brampton (2009), Niagara (2011), Toronto West (2013), Brantford (2014) and Kelowna (2014). This abundant overflow of His blessing has been witnessed through the countless salvations and lives transformed for the glory of God. Robbie's radio ministry through Hope Bible Church is called Live in the Light and can be heard daily throughout Southern Ontario, Western New York, and the Atlantic Provinces. He is also the author of Passion Cry: How Apathy is Killing the Church and a Passion for Christ Will Revive It and has been a conference speaker at The Gospel Coalition, Ontario. Robbie and his wife Gillian live in Burlington, Ontario with their four children.
Doug Logan
Doug Logan, Jr. serves as the president of Grimké Seminary and the Director of Urban Church Planter Development for the SEND Network. He received an honorary Doctor of Divinity and earned his Master of Arts in Ministry in Church Planting from Lancaster Bible College & Capital Seminary. He has been in urban ministry for more than 25 years, is a Church Planting Pastor at Remnant Church in Richmond, VA, and is the author of On The Block: Developing a Biblical Picture for Missional Engagement. In 2011, he planted Epiphany Fellowship of Camden with his wife Angel. They have three sons and four grandchildren.
Craig McClure
Craig D. McClure holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Piedmont College and a master’s degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he is currently pursuing a doctorate in global missions. He is the Missions Advancement Strategist for SCORE International and professor of evangelism and missions at Dominican Baptist Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Craig is also an author for The Gospel Coalition: Latin American Edition. His wife Joanna, an RN, runs a medical clinic. They have been living and ministering in the Dominican Republic for over twelve years.
Jerry Gillis
Dr. Jerry Gillis’ formal education includes a degree in Communication from the University of Georgia, a Master of Divinity from New Orleans Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is Lead Pastor of The Chapel, a multi-campus church with several thousand members and speaks to pastors around the U.S. and other nations as part of the network Christ Together.
Myron Glick, M.D.
Dr. Myron Glick is the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Jericho Road Community Health Center in Buffalo, NY. He is a Board Certified Family Physician and was awarded a fellowship at the SUNY Buffalo Department of Family Medicine in Faculty Development and Primary Care Research. He also holds a faculty appointment at SUNY Buffalo in the School of Medicine. The family practice has grown to include two sites with twenty-eight medical providers (including him), and he now sees over 60,000 patient visits per year on the West and East Sides of Buffalo. Many of the patients are refugees. Jericho Road has expanded globally to the Kono District of Sierra Leone, Goma, and the DRC. Dr Glick is a tireless advocate for the poorest and most vulnerable. His wife, Joyce, works at Jericho Road as the front office manager. Joyce and Myron have four children.
Sam Storms
Dr. Sam Storms (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas) is pastor emeritus at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, founder of Enjoying God Ministries, and a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. He has written numerous books, including Packer on the Christian Life and Practicing the Power. He and his wife, Ann, have two children.
Brett Larson
In 1999, Dr. Brett Larson began a full-time career with Crawford Broadcasting at the legendary WDCX-FM. After several decades of growing in his career, he now serves in leadership with Crawford as a Corporate General Manager who oversees 7 full-power Christian radio stations in Buffalo, Rochester, Birmingham, and Cullman/Huntsville. Dr. Larson also hosts a daily radio program called “SKOPOS,” with a focus on how biblical theology is applied to daily life. He holds a Bachelor’s in Communications, an MBA, a Master’s in Theological Studies, and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Liberty University. Brett currently serves as a Treasurer on the Board of Directors for the National Religious Broadcasters association, is on the Board of Directors for OpOverwatch, and is an Elder for The Center Church in Lockport, NY. He and his wife, Kim, have 3 wonderful boys.
Dan Trippie
Dr. Dan Trippie is a native of Buffalo, NY. He holds a Ph.D. in ethics from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and an M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dan’s focus of study is in public theology with a special emphasis on religious freedom. Dan seeks to integrate theology into the public square dialogue. Dan serves as a pastor at Restoration Church in Buffalo, NY. He and his wife, Gina were high school sweethearts and married in 1995. He enjoys boating on the Niagara River and trying to beat his twin sons in the game of golf.
Scott Shafer
Rev. Scott Shafer is a Design Engineer, holding a Master’s degree from Columbia University. He also holds a Master of Arts in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary. For 25 years he served the church in Central NY as a worship leader and as a Campus Pastor within Watermark Wesleyan Church. He is currently a Senior Pastor in Pawling, NY. His enthusiasm for good theology and his rare blend of left and right brain skills are a great fit for The Theology Project. And, it’s been suggested we mention his rakish charm and quirky sense of humor.
Fr. Bryan Wandel
Fr. Bryan Wandel has pastored and run a public discussion series, The Nickel City Forum — seeking to make "argument" into a good word again — where believers and non-believers engage Big Idea questions. Fr. Bryan lives with his wife and four children on the West Side of Buffalo. He has written for Anglican Pastor, ChurchLeaders, First Things, Comment, and Humane Pursuits.
Barnabas Piper
Barnabas Piper has been teaching and preaching for over 15 years and training church leaders for the last 8 years. He speaks regularly at churches, conferences, camps, campus ministries, and retreats on top of being part of the preaching team at his church, Immanuel Nashville. He loves to share the gospel of Christ and help listeners see the truths of God clearly and in new ways. With a varied background of ministerial and corporate leadership, creative work, and theological study, he brings a fresh perspective and the ability to connect with many different kinds of audiences.
Gavin Ortlund
Gavin R. Ortlund is a writer, theologian, and Christian apologist. He is a fellow of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, a fellow of The Center for Baptist Renewal, a fellow of Credo, a member of St. Basil Fellowship of The Center for Pastor Theologians, and a Visiting Scholar at Reasons to Believe. He regularly speaks at churches and conferences around the country. Gavin is the author of eight books, including Finding The Right Hills To Die On and Why God Makes Sense in a World that Doesn’t, which won numerous awards. Gavin serves as President of Truth Unites, a ministry which seeks to promote gospel assurance through theological depth, and is Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Church, Nashville. Gavin has a Ph.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary in historical theology and an M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary.
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin (Ph.D., Cambridge University) is the author of Confronting Christianity, named Christianity Today's 2020 Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year. Her subsequent works include 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, The Secular Creed, and Jesus through the Eyes of Women.
Lauren Sluyter
Mrs. Lauren Sluyter has served as a campus minister at six colleges across NY over the past eight years, currently working for Ratio Christi at Buffalo State College. Lauren disciples Christian students to have a firm theological foundation in their faith that leads to life-long faithfulness, and she seeks to reach non-Christians with the hope of the gospel.
Chris Jhu
Chris Jhu grew up in Orange County, spending his summers as a youth working in his mother's dry-cleaning store and on the beach. He came to faith in his teenage years and discerned a call to ministry in his senior year of high school. From 2000-2011, Chris led youth ministry in one form or another. Graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary in 2011 with an M.Div., he moved to Buffalo to serve as English Ministry pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church. In 2016, Chris was ordained as a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He currently serves as Senior Pastor and Teaching Elder at Christ Central, a church plant in Buffalo. Chris is married to Ji Hye, and together they have two children, Collin and Audrey. Chris is an unashamed nerd, who enjoys miniature wargaming, reading, and games of all kinds.
Joyce (Wu) Lacy
Dr. Joyce (Wu) Lacy earned her B.A. in Psychology from Gordon College and her Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of California, Irvine. She is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University at Buffalo where her primary duty is teaching undergraduate students.