BreakOut Sessions

Friday May 2

Below are the breakout sessions for Friday May 2nd. Closer to the event you will be able to choose with breakout sessions you'd like to attend. Click the time tabs to see the breakouts for each time slot.

9:00 AM

9:00 AM - Main Hall

Dr. Joe Boot. The Future of The Faith

Statistics show that only a small percentage of believers really understand their own faith. Yet the future of the church depends on faithful disciples! Come explore together how leaders and laypersons can and must build a consistent, systematic and robust Biblical worldview, to live it in every sphere of life.

11:00 - 12:00 PM

Passing Down the Faith

Jani Ortlund

For the future church to not just survive, but thrive, we must be believers who pass on a robust and articulate biblical theology to the rising generation, “so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:7).

The Church is always only one generation away from heresy and decay. Someone gave us the gospel…now it’s our turn to pass it on before our opportunities are gone. It is not chiefly about what we receive, but about what we leave.


Theology of “The Other”

Dr. Jerry Gillis

Learn how we, as image bearers of Christ, can relate with charity and integrity to those who think and look differently than ourselves. Get equipped with biblical starting points to address the ethnic, socio-economic and secondary doctrinal differences that separate us within the church.


You Can Trust The Bible

Craig McClure

A lot is riding on belief in the Bible, especially today with so many voices shouting their own truths. Can a case be made for the Bible's reliability? Is it accurate and authoritative for today? How is it relevant to real life today? Sharpen the tools in your toolbox in this session that helps you trust and live the message of the Bible!


To Be Announced

More information coming soon

1:30 - 2:30 PM

Passing Down the Faith (Panel)

Church leaders (to be announced), their children, and you the audience talk about passing the faith to the next generation. Come engage the “how to” and the difficult questions.

For the future church to not just survive, but thrive, we must be believers who pass on a robust and articulate biblical theology to the rising generation, “so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:7).


Identity and Sexuality

Moderated by: Dan Trippie

PANEL: Jackie Hill Perry, Keri Cardinale,
and more to be announced.


You Can Understand and Love The Bible

Craig McClure

Discover (or rediscover!) the peace, strength and joy of fellowship with God as you take your Bible time to a new level. Learn why “Hermeneutics” (the science of interpreting the Bible) is a must for every believer. Get the what, the why, and how to become a successful self-feeding student of the Bible. You’ll leave with a handful of skills and tools that actually can change your life!


Wired Differently: Finding our way through a media and tech obsessed landscape

Brett Larson

In the workplace, at school, in our social and leisure time, we live with a 24/7 onslaught that competes for our affections as if media and tech were our spiritual source and moral compass. Come learn useful ways believers can stand firm as faithful leaders in a post-Christian wired world.

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Everyone’s a Theologian

Matt Moran & Joel Patrick

We all have a theology (what we believe about God). It informs everything we do , and affects those around us. Whether atheistic or religious, these theological worldviews are the lenses that define every interaction between neighbors, communities and civilizations. Come learn how to 1.) develop and strengthen coherence in your beliefs, and 2.) help others accurately know the Jesus you love and serve.


iGen Disciple

Fr. Bryan Wandell and PANEL: to be announced

Equipping youth from the inside out: Building a generation who can joyfully withstand today's post-Christian culture.


The Political Christian in a post-Christian World

Michael WeaR

How are we to think about and engage our politics and our faith? Come spend some time with the author of Reclaiming Hope, who’s spent serious time in the White House. Buffalo native Michael Wear, who now lives in Virginia.

4:30 - 5:30 PM

Creeds, Confessions or Chaos?

Dan Trippie

What it means to be a Christian is changing before our very eyes. Countless voices declare they have the truth about God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and how we’re to live our lives. But what do disciples of Jesus look like? How do we know we are on the right discipleship path? Explore how the work of faithful believers who’ve gone before us inform our lives today and for the future.


Science And Technology: The Future Is Now

Scott Shafer

See and hear about some mind blowing advancements in science and technology, as they plunge us all headlong into the future. How must believers respond to the wonders...and the challenges?


Social Conscience and Peace

Myron Glick, M.D.

Social Conscience and Peace

What we believe about God shapes everything we become. If we, and our children, are to see the church as relevant now and for the future, it is essential we understand loving our neighbor as ourselves. Come explore practically and theologically, the clear prophetic voice throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, that speaks of the heart of God for the poor, most vulnerable and marginalized.

Also includes audience Q&A and panel discussion with church and ministry leaders (to be announced)

After much prayer and consideration and in light of government guidelines and restrictions on gatherings, we must cancel The Theology Project’s May 15-17 FutureChurch2020 Conference dates. We are exploring dates to reschedule and are grateful for the ongoing support of our sponsors and partners!   

Your Complete Promo Kit

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Click Here To Download:

·       3 Easy Ways to promote FCC2020 to your church, family and friends

·       Pre-written ready-to-go church announcements

·       3 Easy Ways for Pastors and Churches to participate in FCC2020

·       Social Media Posts, Save The Date & “Share Squares”

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·       Screens (16X9 & 3X4)

·       Live Stream FAQ for church leaders


Promo Videos

We’ve also created two promotional videos for you to show at your church, small group, or gathering. Click the buttons below to download them for your use.

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